Sunday, October 10, 2010

did i hear that blogging is so yesterday?

Ya ya... I know... this blog badly needs the kiss of life!
But then again, did I hear that blogging is sooo yesterday?
Social networks like Facebook is supposedly killing the art of blogging. Still, I think there's a place for blogs in cyberspace and that which neither FB nor any other social network sites can replace. So, for those of you who have blogs, keep blogging...
Until I get around to "resuscitating" this blog, you'll find me on the other side of cyberspace called Facebook... :))


苑蒂 YT said...

...but we can have both, blogging and social networking, can't we?

Mung-San said...

Waaah... it has taken me 459 years to discover that you actually have a BLOG! :-)