Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sooo adorably cute

This is such a wonderfully cute photo th
at I had to post it. Simply lovable! When you look at it, I guarantee that you will say "awwwwwww........".

But then, I thought... since you all love jigsaw puzzles, why not (no pun intended) make it more fun and turn it into one? :-)

This time around, I've made the pieces a little smaller thus, a little more challenging to do. But you'll agree, it'll be worth all the effort. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

What is "X"?

Now, to all you griphomaniacs out there, here's a brain teaser for you.

1 ---> 3

2 ---> 3

3 ---> 5

4 ---> 4

5 ---> 4

6 ---> 3

7 ---> 5

8 ---> 5

9 ---> 4

10 ---> X

11 ---> 6

12 ---> 6

So, what is X?

I will not give you the answer yet. :-)

If you think you've got the solution, send me a comment with the answer and the reason for your choice. Who knows, you may get your 5 minutes of internet fame!

*Griphomaniac = A puzzle addict (From the Old Greek word grîphos - "challenging question, enigma")

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Through David's eyes

The heavens declare

the glory of God;

the skies proclaim

the work of His hands.

Day after day

they pour forth speech;

night after night

they display knowledge.

Psalm 19 : 1,2 (NIV)
(A Psalm of David)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The rich young man

Though Christ spoke so strongly, few that have riches do not trust in them. How few that are poor are not tempted to envy! But men's earnestness in this matter is like their toiling to build a high wall to shut themselves and their children out of heaven.

It should be satisfaction to those who are in a low condition, that they are not exposed to the temptations of a high and prosperous condition. If they live more hardly in this world than the rich, yet, if they get more easily to a better world, they have no reason to complain. Christ's words show that... read more...

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Softly, as in a morning sunrise

These photos were taken early this morning, a beautiful Sunday morning.

It's the only day of the week I get to see a sunrise...