Sunday, March 4, 2007

"Look unto the heavens, and see; and behold the clouds which are higher than thou" Job 35:5 KJB

. How many of us actually take time to look to the "heavens" in appreciation of God's creation. Rarely do we even look upwards. Some of us don't even have that privilege as we leave for work before sunrise and only return home after the sun has set! When was the last time you stopped to "smell the roses"?

These pictures were taken from my apartment window.

With such a beautiful clear blue sky, this picture brings to mind two of my favourite songs - "All Heaven Declares, the Glory of the Risen Lord" and "On A Clear Day, You Can See Forever" which is from an original Broadway musical of the same name.

Cloud formations can take the shape of just about anything and actually be fun to watch. Look at the following pics, what do you see?

A toy bunny?

Galloping horse? Doggie?

Someone once mentioned that just lying on the ground looking up at clouds floating by is so therapeutic. I do agree.

If we can find beauty in the simple and mundane things, then we will find ourselves closer to our Creator.

"For everything God has created is good..."

1 Timothy 4:4

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