Sunday, March 18, 2007

Of cheese crackers and metropolitan cows...

You know how it is. The fun you get out of reading those labels in Chinese and Japanese "English", or as we call it, Engrish. Nothing beats a visit to the local supermarket and stores if you are looking for a chuckle or two. Look for those that carry lots of imported stuff from these countries. Best of all, it's free. Don't need to buy joke books. After you've read them, they are not funny anymore second time around. Some more, expensive lah! The supermarket stuff is always replenished with new ones, so it's always fresh!

So, what's this post all about? Okay, I'm getting to that. I was grocery shopping one day and saw this packet of cheese crackers. Actually, I was more interested in the packaging than the crackers. Why? The words "feeling of metropolis" with a picture of a cow next to it was the reason why. Very amusing. Look at it, if you can figure out what it means, please do tell me.

Manufactured in, where else, China of course!

By the way, the crackers don't taste half bad!

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