Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Don't you just hate spam mails!! They flood your inbox like, well, those pesky Christmas Island baby crabs (if you watched the video clip in my previous post).

I have a few e-mail accounts and over time, practically every one of them gets spam-med! I had one that gets an average of 60-70 junk mails a day and can go up to 100 on some days. In the end I had to terminate that account. I noticed that the shorter, simpler e-mail addresses were easier targets.

It made me rather curious as to just how many junk mails I would collect if I did not delete them. So I decided to leave one of my Yahoo accounts alone and this is what I've collected so far. Yes, 20,981 junk mails in just a little over 15 months. That's about 1,398 junk mails every month! Below is the screenshot of that account.

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